MyAdvisor promotes good health for all

When most people think of a healthy person, they think of someone who eats well, stays active, gets the recommended immunizations and sees a doctor when feeling under the weather.


However, health is determined partly by access to social and economic opportunities like resources and support systems in neighborhoods and communities. More specifically, the conditions in which we live in affects health and wellbeing.


The social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which people live, learn, work and play that affect quality-of-life. The impact of “opportunity” is a fundamental part of understanding health outcomes.


The five key determinants include:

  • Economic Stability

  • Education

  • Social and Community Context

  • Health and Health Care

  • Neighborhood and Built Environment


According to Healthy People 2020, one of the four main goals for the social determinants of health topic include creating social and physical environments that promote good health for all.


As a holistic wellness and referral management program, MyAdvisor believes everyone deserves an equal opportunity to make healthy choices that lead to a better lifestyle. With over 12 years of proven success, we’ve developed a program that provides tele-behavioral health, holistic wellness, and family stability, allowing individuals to thrive in their career and family life which includes:


  • One-on-one care coordination sessions: Our Care Coordinators assess and triage underlying issues that affect overall health. In our one-on-one sessions, we address career development, financial planning and other common stressors that might be affecting overall health and wellness. Every person is unique which is why we build personal relationships that involve regular communication with our clients to keep them motivated.


  • Tele-mental health services: For more than a decade, we’ve developed technology solutions to connect certified care coordinators, licensed social workers, nutritionists, fitness professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and other medical mental health professionals to those who need their services. Our technology has been able to facilitate ongoing constructive relationships between the health sector and communities in need by eliminating commons barriers such as transportation.


  • Solution-focused approach: As part of our unique process, we collect and report data based on a root cause model to address gaps in goal attainment and indicate patterns of challenges within a specified group of individuals who are experiencing similar issues. Each client is provided a customized plan that clearly identifies a goal and a timeline to measure progress. We work closely with our patients to help them stay on top of their life-success goals. In fact, 98% of our clients have reported a higher life satisfaction score.


By reflecting on the social determinants of health, our Care Coordinators can better determine how to best address problems that are within the client’s control. We believe this approach will positively influence social and economic conditions that improve the health and welfare for anyone, no matter where they are located.


Want to learn more about our holistic wellness services? Contact us to learn more.

Kelsey ThayerMyAdvisor