De-Stress the Holidays

The holidays are coming! It might seem too early to be talking about this already, but now is the time to plan ahead so that stress doesn't hinder your enjoyment of the season.

Here are a few tips! 

  1. Budget, Budget, Budget. Giving feels good but that good feeling can lead you to spend more than you can afford. Determine what you can afford and then stay within those limits. 

  2. Write a Shopping List. List whom you will be buying for and determine the amount you will spend on each. Set a price limit to avoid going over-budget. Consider home-made arts and crafts for creative and inexpensive gifts. 

  3. Avoid Credit and Use Cash. Once you have developed your budget and have determined what you can spend, put that cash in an envelope and that is your holiday limit. Credit cards are convenient but are also an easy way to overspend and if you are unable to pay them off in full, carrying a balance can make the holidays even more expensive. 

  4. Start Shopping Now. Last minute shopping can lead to impulse spending. The earlier you start, the more likely you are to find deals. Use the internet to comparison shop and find the best prices. 

  5. Start saving for next year. Remember how quickly the past 12 months flew by? Prepare for next year by stashing away a few dollars every month. After this season is behind you, open a holiday savings account and add to it monthly. Be ready for next year! 


The holidays can be the "most wonderful time of the year", and it can also bring stress due to the large expenses associated with the season of giving. No matter what type of holiday person you are, the holidays are usually pretty stressful. But besides hiding under your covers until January 2nd, what can you do about it? Not much, right? Wrong! Here are 3 simple things that you can do to make your holiday season less overwhelming.

  1. Learn how to use to-do lists to your advantage. Don’t just list all the tasks on your to-do list. That can be overwhelming and even cause wasted time. Organize your to-do list in a way that you can prioritize your tasks and get the most out of your time. One way to do this is to list your tasks by categories such as “Must Do,” “Should Do,” and “Nice-to-Do.” By using a good “To-Do” list, you can make sure to prioritize what’s most important. Learn more about this technique and create a template by following the links at the bottom of the page.


  1. Be realistic. There is always so much to do around the holidays and we often want to say yes to EVERYTHING. But that probably isn’t going to work out too well. So, be realistic and honest with yourself about what events or activities you can fit in. Maybe even make a “to-do” list for this as well. Choosing not to over schedule yourself or your family will go a long way in de-stressing your holidays!


  1. Self Care. During the holidays, we tend to focus on everyone else’s needs. But if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can easily get overwhelmed, stressed, and run down. So, don’t forget to take care if YOU! Self-care seems to be trending right now, and for good reason. Finding time to do things that you enjoy, especially during busy times, is so important. So, do a puzzle, get a pedicure, schedule a date night, or anything else that helps you feel refueled.
    Add this to your “Must do” column on that “to-do” list! 


Kelsey ThayerMyAdvisor